Everyone Outreach is designed to reveal the unconscious and invisible thought habits we hold and provide participants with unique insights to help begin the journey of transformation.
STEP 1 Workshop Prep
We provide your congregation's workshop coordinator with a clear game plan for preparing for the workshop, including checklists, guides and a full media kit for communicating to your congregation.
We also provide a “quick start” list of steps for you to take after the workshop to build on the momentum generated.
Next, we facilitate an Everyone Outreach workshop at your congregation. We encourage every member to attend and participate - in fact, the more members that attend, the more likely it is that the culture shift will be successful! The workshop explores key concepts of culture through experiences, reflection and God's Word.

STEP 3 Leave Equipped
Every participant leaves the workshop with an outreach partner and personal commitments related to their role in outreach. These simple tools help your congregation build a foundation of long-term culture change, and position each ministry to take a more active role in outreach.
Everyone Outreach provides your congregation with resources and guides to develop an outreach mindset in every member and every area of ministry. From monthly meeting starters and other Bible studies to text reminders and email encouragements, materials are provided to keep outreach in the forefront of your thoughts.
Also, a Post-Workshop Playbook gives you activities and discussion points to help you continue to reflect on and build your congregation’s outreach culture.